Welcome to our online Shop. We are so excited you’re here! This is where you can find carefully curated design packages for all things DESIGN
Stock exterior design packages, home floor plans, and interior design packages.
The first products to launch are the exterior packages, coming to you in March 2024. Click on Exterior Packages below for more information.
There is great value in a cohesive design you can be confident in for any of your construction projects. Our Design packages are built to elevate your project giving you the designer look without the custom designer price. Select your favorite design based on your personal style and overall look you would like to achieve.
If you LOVE this idea but want the option of something a bit more custom? Along with your stock design package, each design package has the option of a custom ADD ON allowing you to work with our designer using the materials from the purchased package and receiving the 3D look of your home.
Why choose stock design packages?
Simply put, our detailed stock packages are a quick and easy way to purchase the look you want without the wait time to create a custom design.
Quick and convenient design
designer look for a fraction of the price
No guesswork
Budget friendly material selections
Our detailed Packages give you the ability to have a quote done by a contractor with all of your materials already chosen. We’ve thoughtfully curated these designs to take the guesswork out of your project, and provide you with the documentation needed to take right to the hardware store with confidence.
What will you receive?
A digital download of the Exterior Stock Plan that will include the following:
implemented material design boards
general notes on design style, key structural elements and accents
all specifications needed to execute the project
recommended supplier/contractor list local to the peace region
Still want more?
You are obsessed with one of our stock packages but would like to change a 1 or 2 material or colour options and would like us to update your package to reflect these couple changes… Check out our “Revision” ADD ON option before purchasing.
You are struggling to visualize your home with fresh design… we offer a “Custom" ADD ON that includes drawings of your home, with the stock packages’ finishes applied!