Wallpaper Is Back!
Im not sure about you but I have lots of memories of wallpaper as a kid.
Do you all remember in the 80’s and 90’s when you picked up a wallpaper sample book from your local paint store and brought it home and there were endless samples of (mostly floral) wallpaper that were in sets of 3. The set of 3 included the “feature” paper that you would use as the “all over” or top half of your wall. Then there was the 2nd paper which was the same design in a different colour often used as the bottom half of the wall AND THEN there was the BORDER people…the border ( que in LOL) …this border could be used for in-between the two other papers so the seam was covered and / or to finish the top between the ceiling and where the wall paper finished for a cleaner line. Fantastic right? Who remembers ???? I do I have many pictures of myself as a kid in our living room and kitchen at home surrounded by this lovely wallpaper. I believe i also used it at a drawing board with my crayons too…. (sorry mom) I remember watching her help her friends do it, she was really good at it, it was a whole thing. :)
Wallpaper back in its hay day was not only EXTREMEMLY stylish it was also a HUGE pain to apply and remove. Thats why today you see a lot of homes that have painted right over that crazy stuff, it has stuck on there so good its not coming off!
Etsy small shop
Enter 2020, new technology and much easier ways to approach and install wallpaper. In more ways then one wallpaper has come back and with big changes.
Today’s popular papers are VERY different from the old school. The prints are dramatically oversize and fantastically whimsical, with characters that feel pulled from a storybook and patterns right from the runway. The colors are richer. The fabrics are textured and sometimes three-dimensional. And the images have a lifelike sharpness thanks to advances in digital printing.
Another change from decades ago is that wallpaper should be used sparingly. In one or two rooms as an accent or pop of colour, pattern and texture, these bold looks can transform your homes easily and without too much effort. Todays wallpaper is low maintenance to install and remove, thank you to today’s technology, no more scraping and steaming, less mess less stress!
So when it comes to choosing the perfect wallpaper for your home where do you start?
wallpaper is categorized by its materials and adhesive coating they come in a peal and stick type or a water activated adhesive method
they durable, stripable and generally grease resistant
they are sold in single rolls or double rolls (bolts)
Pattern Matching
Straight, Random or Drops
Straight-match papers run the width of the paper and across the seam onto the next strip. Random-match papers continue seamlessly no matter what. Drop-match papers require extra planning and must be aligned horizontally and vertically on either side, as the pattern is slightly offset from strip to strip.
Well, Sherwin Williams is the LARGEST wallpaper distributer to date with over 100,000 with four new books just released. That is WAY TO OVERWHELMING ! Yes it is. Its like picking a paint colour it makes a large impact but can be a daunting task if you don’t get it quite right.
Here is a few important things to think about when choosing a wall paper right for you.
- wallpapers are surprisingly durable and easily wipeable today
-they are an easy application for the kids or pets in your house that like to test every surface in your house
Repeats and waste
Repeats are the number of inches a pattern stretches vertically until it repeats itself. Generally, the lower the repeat, the lower the waste. Solids and textures, for example, have no repeat and little waste because the amount you’ll need is easy to calculate.
Calculating Coverage
-need to take windows and doors into account, online calculators are great help
-Rolls are normally 25 – 28 square feet
-Suppliers base price on roll but usually only sell by double or triple rolls.
“Interested in wallpaper but would love to have someone come and Install it for you? Contact Alison for a free quote ”
As I already mentioned the leading supplier in wallpaper is Sherwin Williams go to sherwinwilliams.com for more on all of their collection and fun themes.
2. Urbanwall is a company originated from Vancouver. They carry wall decals and wallpaper and range in price from $50 to $400 They have whimsical collections with many being unique and hand crafted designs. Probably my all time favourite decal of theirs is their large peonies florals. They can be placed however you want them to be which makes them unique in any room AND they are VERY easy to apply and remove.
3. Etsy has great resources for small Canadian companies. I have ordered and used multiple wallpapers from smaller supplies. One in particular I like is called Wallpaperie
4. Spoonflower is a great company that supplies fabrics and wallpaper is the funnest designs and patterns so if your looking for something unique this is a great sight.
Peonies Decal
Featured in Alisons Home (From Urbanwalls)
Water Colour Print
Image Via Pinterest
Digital wallpaper print
Featured in a clients little girls room (from Etsy)